Sunday, 12 January 2014

Beauty from basics

The secret to beating the midwinter blues? No, it's not jet-setting off to some beachy spa (though we wouldn’t exactly turn that down). It's something a whole lot quicker, easier—and cheaper. 

In Today's busy life with the demands of work, relationships, kids, home and perhaps the occasional unplanned hour on twitter and Facebook we don't seem to have enough time to look after ourselves. Here are a few tips for the busy moms to take care of themselves with homemade goodies.

1. Banana face mask

Mash up a banana with a kiwi or half an avacodo , blitz the mixture with a teaspoon of honey.apply this tasty magic face mask on your face and leave it dry. Wash it warm water after 20 minutes to uncover a smoothly shiny face.

2. Luscious strawberry treat for the hair:

This home made hair mask is a treat for your hair. Mix 5 or 6 strawberries with  two tablespoons of yoghurt and white of a egg,whisk it gently and apply it on your hair and massage it gently. You need to add a bit more shampoo and conditioner while rinsing it. If you could do it atleast once a month your hair will be more glossier than the glossy magazines.

3.Triple oil treat for hair:

This simple treat once a week could make your hair more shinny and glossy . Mix a teaspoon each of olive oil, cocunut oil and almond oil and leave it in your hair for atleast 30 minutes before washing it up. This is a very simple and hydrating mask for the hair.

4. Cucumber yoghurt face mask :

This is a very hydrating mask for the face. Mix 2 teaspoon of Greek yoghurt with 2 teaspoon of mashed cucumber and one teaspoon of mashed parsley.

Apply a thick layer of the mixture into your freshly washed face. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with tepid water.You would be amazed on seeing the results.

5. Antioxidant rich face mask:

Loaded with antioxidants, both green tea and pomegranate can rejuvenate your skin.  This face pack can also brighten up the skin tone.  Make a paste of pomegranate in a blender, add 1 tbsp of yogurt, make some green tea and add 1 tbsp to the paste.  Add 1 tbsp of honey and apply this face pack on the face and neck and rinse off after 30 minutes.

6.Rejunuvating yoghurt and lemon face mask:

Mix a tablespoon of fresh yogurt, honey and lemon juice.apply evenly on face and wash after 15 minutes to uncover a fresh rejunuvated face with a smooth feel.

7. Exfoliating almond face pack

Mash half a banana and grind it with four or five almonds in a blender, add a few drop of rose water to it, this pack is ideal for most skin types to get softer and even skin tone.

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